What is better Yoga, Pilates or Yogilates?

What is better Yoga, Pilates or Yogilates?
May 15, 2017 Charlotte Gerner

Yoga, Pilates or Yoglilates?

Which is better for you?

The one better for you is the one you enjoy and can commit to!! More flexible people generally will do yoga and people who love the benefits of improved posture will do pilates. And Yogilates is the best of both worlds!

Joseph Pilates, started ‘Controlology’, during World War 1, when he was living in England and go placed in a German interment camp. He trained all the other students and boasted they would come out fitter than when they went in!

He was an enthusiastic gymnast, wrestler, self defence instructor and studied yoga and animal movement patterns to come up with Controlology, or as we know it today, Pilates.

‘Therefore there is Yoga in Pilates’

Pilates exercises aim to help you  to

  • improve your efficiency with breathing and
  • Increase postural awareness
  • Strengthen your body globally
  • Strengthen and activate your core muscles.

Which can then help reduce injuries and help you move and feel better. It is especially good to counteract the tightness associated with movements you do a lot whether that be sitting or a particular sport.

Yoga started in ancient India, with Hatha Yoga texts emerging in 11th century. It was introduced to the western world in the 19th and 20th centuries and gained a big following in the 80’s.

Yoga is a whole body and mind movement practice to:

  • help strengthen your body
  • increase flexibility
  • improve mental calmness and concentration

Yogilates is something we have created to have the best of both worlds.

An exercise class which:

  • Improves postural awareness and increased movement efficiency with specific pilates exercises to counteract prolonged positions such as sitting.
  • Increased core activation with muscle awareness and using the breathing techniques found in yoga and pilates
  • Increased flexibility from Yoga
  • Calmer mind from meditation practices from Yoga and the concentration from pilates.

How can you get classes started at your work?

Top 5 Reasons to get you Boss to approve Yoga, Pilates or Yogilates at your Work!

  1. Decrease sick days: It is quickly becoming known that sitting is the new smoking, increasing many diseases such as heart disease, cancers and musculoskeletal issues.
  2. Increase productivity: As the staff will be healthier and looking after their bodies, they will have less sick days, less health care appointments to go to and will be able to concentrate easier and get their work done quicker! Which means billable hours increasing and improved business efficiency.
  3. Increased staff retention: If your staff are happy and they feel valued and cared for, they will want to stay working for that business. Less staff changes means less HR costs, less succession planning and improved knowledge base and sharing.
  4. Improved Morale and relationships: People doing the classes will forge new friendships and relationships with different parts of the business, increasing collaboration and efficiencies in the business.
  5. Improved Work/Life Culture: If people are happier at work, they will be happier in the life in general. Meaning they will generally be easier to work with and want to be better and the business to be better as well!

Therefore Yoga, Pilates or Yogilates in your business will improve workplace culture and improve the bottom line! What’s not to LOVE!

Contact us now to organise a trial class or a term of classes:


Call us on 0410 866 694

Have a great day!

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